Iuliana Toma-Dasu

Iuliana Toma-Dasu

Affiliated to Research
Visiting address: P9 (Helikopterbyggnaden) plan 2, Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset Solna, 17176 Stockholm
Postal address: K7 Onkologi-Patologi, K7 Övriga Med strålningsfysik övriga forskare, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • I am Professor in Medical Physics at the Department of Physics, Stockholm
    University and the Head of the Medical Radiation Physics division at
    Stockholm University which is affiliated to the Department of Oncology and
    Pathology at Karolinska Institutet. My main current research area concerns
    the biologically-optimized and adapted radiotherapy with respect to the
    adverse tumour response phenotypes as well as the quality of radiation,
    irradiation technique and fractionation regime.
    Member of the Council of the Centre for Radiation Protection Research
    (www.crpr-su.se [1])
    2005 PhD in Radiation Physics at Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden
    2005 Certification as Medical Physicist in Sweden
    2010 Associate Professor (Docent), Medical Radiation Physics, Stockholm
    University, Sweden
    2018 Professor, Medical Radiation Physics, Stockholm University, Sweden
    [1] http://www.crpr-su.se


  • /*PROJECT 1 - Biologically Optimised Adaptive RT*/
    To combine the advantages of intensity modulated radiotherapy for photons,
    protons and light ions and molecular and functional imaging in order to
    exploit the potential to target precisely the adverse factors in the tumours
    and thus to tailor the treatment to the individual needs of the patients by
    developing quantitative methods for incorporating biological and functional
    information on adverse outcome treatment factors into the treatment planning
    and optimisation codes and the implementation of the computational models and
    algorithms for dose prescription and treatment adaptation in the clinical
    treatment planning system.
    Part of this project is conducted within the EU-financed ARTFORCE project
    (www.cancerartforce.eu [1]).
    /*PROJECT 2 – Stereotactic Radiation Therapy – key factors and novel
    To analyse and quantify a multiobserver variability of target and organs at
    risk delineation and to evaluate the clinical potential impact of the
    differences for radiosurgery.
    To analyse of the impact of the fractionation schedule in which the
    prescribed dose is delivered in Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) on
    the tumour control probability for NSCLC depending on the intrinsic
    sensitivity of the cells to radiation and the oxygenation of the tumour and
    to explore the possibilities for the clinical validation of the theoretical
    */PROJECT 3 – Risk for secondary cancers after photon and proton
    The aim of this research project is the investigation of the risk for
    secondary cancers associated with modern radiotherapy implying not only new
    irradiation techniques like IMRT and proton therapy but also additional
    radiation exposure due to repeated imaging sessions. Three major directions
    of investigations will therefore be explored in this project.
    One research direction will be concerned with the development, adaptation and
    validation of models and parameters to be used for risk predictions in
    radiotherapy. A second direction of research will be concerned with the
    optimisation of treatment approaches from the point of view of the associated
    risks for cancer induction. A third direction of investigation will deal with
    the estimation of risks from new forms of therapy employing protons which are
    currently being developed in Sweden and are estimated to be used on patients
    in a couple of years-time.
    */PROJECT 4 – Proton therapy - impact of variable RBE/*
    To explore the impact of variable proton RBE on dose fractionation for
    clinically-relevant situations. A generic RBE=1.1 is generally used for
    isoeffect calculations, while experimental studies showed that proton RBE
    varies with tissue type, dose and LET.
    [1] http://www.cancerartforce.eu


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