Ingrid Medina

Ingrid Medina

Affiliated to Research
Visiting address: Nobels väg 13, 17177 Stockholm
Postal address: C6 Institutet för miljömedicin, C6 Systemtoxikologi Vincent, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • Ingrid Medina is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Environmental
    Medicine, Unit of Systems Toxicology at Karolinska Institutet.
    She obtained the PhD degree in Biomedical Sciences at National Autonomous
    University of Mexico (UNAM) in 2019 evaluating the toxicity of titanium
    dioxide nanoparticles after inhalation. Then, she worked for two-years as
    postdoc evaluating the gastrointestinal toxicity induced by titanium dioxide
    as food additive.
    In 2021 she joined Emma Wincent´s group to study the role of
    AHR/CYP1-feedback signaling in intestinal barrier homeostasis.


  • The aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) is a transcription factor that mediates
    the toxicity of xenobiotics such as dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls, and
    polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Although AHR has been well described as a
    mediator of toxicity, it has recently been shown that AHR is also involved in
    various physiological functions, particularly in barrier organs such as the
    skin, lungs, and intestine.
    The intestinal epithelium is continuously renewed from crypt stem cells that
    differentiate into specialized epithelial cells generating the intestinal
    barrier. The integrity of this intestinal barrier has substantial
    implications for health even beyond the intestine, and several internal and
    environmental factors play a significant, but mechanistically poorly
    understood, role in intestinal homeostasis.
    The ongoing project aims to clarify the differential signaling pathways
    triggered by AHR upon activation by physiological versus xenobiotic ligands,
    to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the dual role of the AHR in intestinal
    barrier homeostasis and thereby gastrointestinal toxicity and diseases.
    To investigate the role of AHR in the process of crypt stem cell
    proliferation and differentiation, mouse models as well as intestinal
    organoid cultures have been developed in collaboration with the research
    group of Brigitta Stockinger at the Francis Crick Institute.
    Food-grade titanium dioxide (E171) induces anxiety, adenomas in colon and
    goblet cells hyperplasia in a regular diet model and microvesicular steatosis
    in a high fat diet model. [1] *Medina-Reyes EI*, Delgado-Buenrostro NL,
    Díaz-Urbina D, Rodríguez-Ibarra C, Déciga-Alcaraz A, González MI, Reyes
    JL, Villamar-Duque TE, Flores-Sánchez ML, Hernández-Pando R, Mancilla-Díaz
    JM, Chirino YI, Pedraza-Chaverri J.Food Chem Toxicol. 2020 Dec
  • 146:111786.
    doi: 10.1016/j.fct.2020.111786.
    Food additives containing nanoparticles induce gastrotoxicity, hepatotoxicity
    and alterations in animal behavior: The unknown role of oxidative stress.
    [2] *Medina-Reyes EI*, Rodríguez-Ibarra C, Déciga-Alcaraz A, Díaz-Urbina
    D, Chirino YI, Pedraza-Chaverri J.Food Chem Toxicol. 2020 Dec
  • 146:111814
    Differences in cytotoxicity of lung epithelial cells exposed to titanium
    dioxide nanofibers and nanoparticles: Comparison of air-liquid interface and
    submerged cell cultures. [3] *Medina-Reyes EI*, Delgado-Buenrostro NL,
    Leseman DL, Déciga-Alcaraz A, He R, Gremmer ER, Fokkens PHB, Flores-Flores
    JO, Cassee FR, Chirino YI.Toxicol In Vitro. 2020 Jun
  • 65:104798.
    Food-grade titanium dioxide (E171) by solid or liquid matrix administration
    induces inflammation, germ cells sloughing in seminiferous tubules and
    blood-testis barrier disruption in mice. [4] Rodríguez-Escamilla
    JC, *Medina-Reyes EI*, Rodríguez-Ibarra C, Déciga-Alcaraz A, Flores-Flores
    JO, Ganem-Rondero A, Rodríguez-Sosa M, Terrazas LI, Delgado-Buenrostro NL,
    Chirino YI.J Appl Toxicol. 2019 Nov
  • 39(11):1586-1605.

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