Listen to PAPERs podcast - podcast on medical research

How do you keep up to date with the medical education literature? How do you find the important articles, let alone have time to read and critique them? The PAPERs podcast does the work for you!

PAPERs podcast.
Photo: KI.

The PAPERs podcast (Professionals & Academics Parsing Educational Research) is a weekly podcast produced by Unit for Teaching and learning at Karolinska Institutet. In each episode our hosts discuss the key points of a medical education article.

We bring you the main points of a medical education article in under half an hour. Articles that are important, innovative or will impact your educational practice are discussed. Every week you will drop into the conversation between four hosts who discuss articles addressing health professions education. While the content is rigorous, the hosts offer accessible insights with lighthearted style, making this podcast regular listening for many scholars’.


PAPERs podcast - Episodes notes

“We scan the health professions, education, literature to find cool papers to enhance your practice.”

Papers Podcast


Collage of four photos of Cara and LJ together looking happy, laughing and smiling.
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