Education Support
On this web page teachers and administrators can find information, resources and support within first and second cycle education at KI. The web page summarises eight areas of support.

Administration & study guidance
Here you can find necessary information about administrative procedures, important dates, cred transfer and registration.

Pedagogical policy & common perspectives in education
Here you can find resources for designing a course for meaningful learning and formulating learning outcomes. Also read about practice integrated, interprofessional and teambased learning.

Teaching methods, design & support
Here you will find information and tools that can help you to conduct your teaching: accessible and interprofessional teaching, distance/hybrid learning, media production and copyrighted texts and images.

Assessment & examination
Assessment and examination of learning can be conducted in many ways. Here you will find resources, support as well as regulations and instructions on examination and ethical review of theses.

Quality assurance of first- and second-circle programs
KI has a quality assurance system to provide systematic quality assurance in research and in all levels of education.

Teacher training & competence development
Here you can find resources for your development: pedagogical qualifications, portfolio, Higher Education courses, funding opportunities and pedagogical prizes.

Accessibility & work environment
Read about accessibility in teaching and pedagogical adaptations, insurance for international students, pedagogical support for students with disabilities and how to report incidents for your students.

Executive & professional education
We offer competence development within a broad range of medicine and health areas based on the latest research, provided by our highly qualified academic and research staff.
Digital tools for education
Contact lists & networks
Rules, documents & templates
KI course & programme websites
Here you will find links to all websites for courses and programmes at Bachelor and Master levels.