Assessment & examination
Assessment and examination of learning can be conducted in many ways. Here you will find resources, support as well as regulations and instructions on systematic quality work, examination and ethical review of degree theses.
Formative assessment and feedback
Feedback is an important part of effective learning and a support for students to achieve their learning goals.
Here you will find more about what feedback means, tools and how you and your students use this tool in the best possible way (resource in Swedish).
Summative Assessments
On this landing page, you will find more information about basic concepts and tools for summative assessment curated by the Unit for Teaching and Learning (UoL).
Quality in higher education (course evaluation)
Basic principles for educational evaluation are based on continuous follow-up and review of the education to ensure that the students achieve set goals and that the educations correspond to the needs of the students and society. The evaluation model is based on results and analysis of the various evaluations that are carried out at the overall level, department and program level, and at course level.
Tools for Assessment

Digital examination with Inspera
Information about what applies to digital written and oral examinations and how to use Inspera Assessment.

Examination service
Here you will find information about the process for implementing a new, centralised examination service, Tentamensservice at KI.
Quiz in Canvas
In this resource you can find information on how to use the quiz tool in Canvas
Find out about the KI service Mentimeter on this page
Assessment Rules and Regulations

Examination in education
In order for examiners to perform their tasks in a legally correct manner, they need to know the rules of the Higher Education Ordinance, the Administrative Procedure Act, KI regulations and instructions for examination.

Ethical review of theses
Some students' theses may require an ethical review if their work has a scientific content that can be categorised as research.

Disciplinary matters and suspicion of cheating
Legal Office provides information and support regarding procedure for dealing with suspected fraud attempts.
Information is provided in Swedish.
Courses in Assessment

Formative assessment and feedback
The aim of the course is to support university teachers and supervisors to develop their ability to design and implement formative assessments that support student learning.
The course is held in Swedish.
Autumn 2025.

Summative assessment
The aim of the course is to increase your awareness of how to create summative assessments to measure your students’ learning. The course also aims to stimulate a reflective approach to teaching and learning.
Autumn 2025.