Examination in education at first and second cycle

Regulations and instructions for examination in education at first and sedond cycle.

The Swedish version of information and regulations prevails over this translation which is written for informative purposes.

In order for you as an examiner to be able to perform your tasks in a legally secure manner, you need to know the rules of the Higher Education Ordinance, the Administrative Procedure Act, etc. You also need to know KI's regulations and instructions for examination. Another good document is the Swedish Higher Education Authority (UKÄ) report, Fair examination, with guidance to ensure the fairness of student examinations. See further under related, links and documents on this page.


The examiner is the teacher who decides on grades on the completed course (HF Chapter 6, Section 18) i.e. decides whether the student is approved on the course or not. Decisions on grades are the exercise of authority towards an individual and a decision that cannot be reviewed or appealed against. The person appointed as an examiner must be an employed teacher at KI. The examiner can be the same as the course leader/course coordinator.

The examiner is responsible for ensuring that the examination is appropriately designed in accordance with the syllabus and that the correcting/assessment is consistent. 

In addition to the examiner, there may also be evaluating teachers on a course who, for example, can be responsible for the work of formulating or correcting examination assignments or orally/writingly examining students on modules or entire courses. The evaluating teacher is obliged to provide the grading documentation to the examiner who determines the grade after the examination.

Appointment of an examiner

The head of department appoint the examiner. The examiner must be appointed for a fixed period of time, e.g. a academic year. Further delegation can be made to the departmental director of education (GUA).

For a course, only one examiner can be appointed.  However, courses with degree projects are an exception. Within these courses, an examiner can be appointed for each degree project.

Change of examiner: Students who have failed twice have the right to change the examiner and a new decision on the appointment of the examiner for this student must be made. If a decision is made not to appoint a new examiner, it shall be clearly moitivated.

Read more about delegation in delegation rules for Karolinska Institutet.

The position of examiner for first and second-cycle courses is described in the current steering documents on course and programme responsibility for first and second-cycle education (only in swedish).

The examiner must hold a teaching position
The person employed at another Swedish higher education institution can be appointed as an examiner at KI, but must then also have a position at KI. In order for other people to be examiners at KI, they must be employed as teachers. A person who is affiliated and who is assigned as an examiner shall be employed as an adjunct teacher/lecturer during the time period of the course, i.e. the same time period as the assignment as examiner applies. For different forms of employment for teachers, contact the department's administrative manager/human resources manager. Read more in rules and instructions for affiliation.

Decision of examiner

The examiner makes many decisions, for example:

  • Grades: The grade shall be determined by a teacher specifically nominated by the higher education institution (the examiner).
  • Decision on credit transfer: The examiner decides on credit transfer against the objectives of the syllabus, i.e. crediting the entire course or part of the course. The examiner can leave it to one or more other teachers to prepare the deciscion. 
  • Decision according to syllabus


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Christian Edling

Coordinator - student right's
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Charlotta Cederberg

Head of Unit