Instructions for discontinuation of on-site training

The examiner shall immediately discontinue a student’s on-site training if the student demonstrates such a serious lack of knowledge, skills or approach that patient safety or patients’ confidence in the healthcare services is jeopardized.

A decision to discontinue on-site training means that the examination is failed, as on-site training is continuously examined throughout the on-site training period. The examiner must be authorised by the course syllabus to discontinue on-site training in this manner. Patient safety refers to “protection against iatrogetic harm” and iatrogetic harm is defined as “suffering, physical or mental harm or disease or deaths which could have been avoided if adequate measures had been taken during the patient’s contact with the healthcare services”.

Examples include a student displaying:

  • shortcomings in knowledge or skills which mean that patients are harmed or risk being harmed in connection with examination or treatment
  • shortcomings in judgment so that patient safety is jeopardised due to the student acting carelessly or refusing to adhere to hygiene or safety regulations despite warnings
  • shortcoming in approach resulting in patients or relatives having felt threatened or disrespected

The shortcomings in knowledge, skills and/or approach must always be assessed in relation to the course’s entry requirements and intended learning outcomes. The instructions can also be applied to other types of educational elements which are continuously examined, as long as the students displays such serious shortcomings in terms of knowledge, skills, or approach that it poses a risk to other persons’ safety or there is a risk of significant economic damage.

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