Tools and support
Systems to facilitate administration

KI ELN - Electronic research documentation
From 1 January 2019, it is mandatory for KI researchers to document their research electronically in KI approved systems, KI ELN.

Your primary choice should always be to set up a video or phone conference instead of travel. You can use Zoom to set up a meeting.

System support for doctoral courses.

Canvas is the learning platform of KI. Find more information about Canvas, manuals and who to contact.

KI's Research Information Management System (RIMS) retrieves data from other systems and collects it in one place. Here you as a researcher, research leader, administrator, can read, supplement and export information.


Economy systems

With the help of DORIS, researchers can publish data about datasets, regardless of whether they can be made openly available or if they contain sensitive data, such as personal data.

KI Prisma - application portal
Foundation & Funds application portal.

RPA - automation of work tasks
With the help of RPA, robotic process automation, it is possible to automate certain tasks and processes.