KI RIMS (Research Information Management System) is a system that manages research information, and its purpose is to collect, improve and make the information about KI's research available. It gathers data on publications and research grants, and researchers can then use the compiled information to, for example, generate their CV and publication list.
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Change of SCB labels affects profile pages and group pages
During week 8, KI RIMS will implement the new standard for the Swedish classification of research subjects from SCB and UKÄ. The new standard introduces entirely new subject areas, while some are removed or renamed.

You can now find all KI's docents in KI RIMS
A filterable list of appointed docents at KI, that has been registered in Primula or UBW Anknutna, is now available as a report in KI RIMS. The work on this requested report was completed just in time for KI RIMS´s one-year anniversary.
A short introduction to the benefits of KI RIMS

Manage your profile information
This instruction will guide you through how to edit the information about yourself, your work, research areas and teaching activities. You will find information on how you get publications and other selected information in KI RIMS to show up on your public profile page at ki.se

Manage your publications
In this instructions you will find information and best practices on how to manage your publications in KI RIMS.

Manage your grants
In this instruction you will find information on how to add information on your research grants and what you need to consider.

Manage your professional activities
In KI RIMS, you can add different types of professional activties that can be displayed in a CV using the report tool. Here you will find instructions on how to add professional activities manually and information on what is transferred directly to KI RIMS from other systems.

Work with your qualifications portfolio
Please note that KI RIMS for the time being only supports the old qualifications portfolio, which will only be used for docent applications after 1 January 2025.

Generate reports about yourself
In KI RIMS you can generate different prepopulated reports, for example lists of publications or a CV to use in different contexts. You do this in the reporting hub.

Generate reports at group level
As a group leader, you have the role of statistician in KI RIMS and can produce various reports at group level. Here you will find information about which reports are available and how they work.

Group pages on ki.se
All groups that exist in Primula, i.e. in KI's organization, can have their own group page on ki.se. The information on the group page is partly retrieved from KI RIMS.
Contact and support

Do you have questions about KI RIMS?
If you have questions regarding KI RIMS contact the university library, KIB. We rekommend that you check the instructions pages for answers first.
Do you want to influence the work with KI RIMS? Join the KI RIMS Panel!

Questions & Answers
This page will evolve as you start asking questions to the KI RIMS support.

Error report form for KI RIMS
If you find an error in the information on your profile or any other part of KI RIMS, we would like to know about it so we can locate and correct the error. Please fill in the form for error reports.