Manage your professional activities in KI RIMS

Several of your professional activities from KI, such as degrees, employments, affiliations and docent degree are automatically retrived to KI RIMS. Others you can add manually to display on your profile page on and use as a basis for the CVs that you can generate from KI RIMS. On this page we go through what you need to consider when managing your professional activities in KI RIMS.

If you plan to use the Karolinska Institutet Qualifications Portfolio at some point in the future, it may be worthwhile to start as soon as possible to fill in your information in KI RIMS according to the requirements of the qualifications portfolio. More information can be found on the page Work with your qualifications portfolio in KI RIMS.

KI RIMS gives you the opportunity to gather several of your professional activities in one place and reuse the information in the CVs you can generate via the Report Hub in KI RIMS. If you choose to set the privacy level of your relation to a professional activity to Public, it will also be visible on your profile page on

Many of your professional activities from KI are automatically retrieved from other systems, but you may need to edit and complete the information. You edit by clicking on the plus symbol in the bottom right corner on the activity you want to change. Please note that some of the Employments and Degrees/educations retrieved from other KI systems cannot be set as Internal.

Degrees / educations

Docentur at KI from Primula and UBW Anknutna

Information about docent degrees at KI is automatically retrieved from Primula and UBW Anknutna in the form of a Degree / education. These need to be supplemented with Discipline / subject area in English, as the source systems only have this information in Swedish. What you should do if your docentur is missing in KI RIMS is described under the heading Why is the docent title missing on my profile page? on the page Questions and answers about KI RIMS.

Degrees from Ladok

Information on degrees awarded at KI are retrieved from Ladok. These end up as Degrees / educations in KI RIMS and are always set to Public.

Other types of degrees and completed courses 

Under Degrees / educations you can also fill in degrees from other universities, completed internship, residencies and other courses that may be relevant to your CV. Keep in mind that:

  • Degree type is only relevant for reports and searches on types or levels of education and training and the undergraduate types are limited to those available at KI. If you do not find an exact Degree type that fits your education, choose the one that is most equivalent.
  • You only need to enter Teaching/Leadership if you want them to be included in the Pedagogical Portfolio or Leadership, Development and Collaboration Portfolio in the Karolinska Institutet Qualifications Portfolio.


Ongoing employments, affiliations and doctoral studies at KI

Information about your current employment, affiliation or doctoral education at KI is retrieved automatically to KI RIMS from Primula (employments), UBW affiliates (affiliations) or Ladok (doctoral education). It is displayed under the CV tab on your profile page on, and it also forms the basis for the title you have on your profile together with any Employments and Degrees / educations that you have selected as favourites in KI RIMS. 

These Employments should always have visibility level Public.

Ongoing employment at Region Stockholm from the bibliometric system

If you are also employed at Region Stockholm, information about your USV unit is retrieved via the bibliometric system as an Employment with the generic title Clinical position. This needs to be supplemented with correct information under Position, Start year and the English name of the unit under Institution (English). When the information is complete, you can change the privacy setting from Internal to Public so that it becomes visible on your profile page on

Previous KI employments in Primula

Previous employments are also retrieved from Primula. Primula creates new employments, for example when there has been an organizational change or someone's title has changed, and the system often needs to merge several employments into one Employment to make the information managable. Check that the information looks ok before you change these Employments in KI RIMS from Internal to Public.

Previous affialiations cannot currently be retrieved automatically from UBW affiliates to KI RIMS.

Leadership / responsibility assignments

In Leadership / responsibility assignments you can add positions of responsibility and management that you have held within and outside the academic world. Except for information about chairmanships and memberships on academic committees that should be entered under 'Committee work'. Mark a Leadership / responsibility assignments as a favourite i KI RIMS to add its Position as one of your titles on your profile page at

Head of department and Administrative head of department are automatically downloaded from Primula to KI RIMS and do not need to be marked as favourites to appear as a title on your profile page on

Committee work

In Committee work you can add chairmanships or assignments you have held on committees, boards, councils, investigations, projects, government agencies, and similar activity on the local, national or international level.

Visiting research fellowships

Here you can enter information about postdoc visits or other visiting fellowships, appointments or adjunct professorships in other academic institutions after obtaining your PhD.

Distinctions / awards 

Here you can fill in both academic and educational awards.

Supervision of graduate / post graduate students

Please note that you should not fill in the supervision of undergraduate or master students here. All teaching and supervision activity other than doctoral supervision should be described in the teaching summary found under edit my profile

When filling in information about a supervision activity and adding information about a co-supervisor, you may get the question "1 KI RIMS user found for [Lastname, Firstname]. Is this the right person?". If you answer Yes, you create a link to their account in KI RIMS, which means that this supervision activity automatically appears among their Academic appointments as Pending.

When you fill in the name of the supervised student, you do not get the choice to create that kind of link to the student because it would then appear as a suggested supervision activity for that person as well. 

Thesis evaluations

Enter information under Thesis evaluations if you have, for example, been an opponent at a thesis defence, been a member of an Examination Board or had an assignment as an external reviewer of thesis work.

You should not fill in information about examination or review of theses at undergraduate or master's level here.

Editorial work

Here you enter information about publications you have been an editor for or whose editorial board you have been part of.

Journal reviewing / refereeing

Enter the titles of journals for which you have worked as a peer reviewer under Journal reviewing / refereeing. If necessary, you can also indicate the years in which you have held the assignment.

Other expert reviewer / evaluation assignments 

Here you can indicate if you have had assignments as an expert reviewer or advisor for other scientific bodies, such as scientific advisory boards.

Conference / event participations

Note that you can add conference publications under Publications even if you choose to add oral or poster presentations of your accepted abstracts as a merit under Conference / event participations.

Content reviewer: