Roles and permissions in KI RIMS

All employees and affiliates with an active KI account can log in to KI RIMS. What you can do there and what information is displayed depends on your role in the system.

No one but yourself is authorised to edit your information in KI RIMS without your permission. However, in KI RIMS, there is a possibility to delegate rights to other people so that they can edit your information via their own login through a function called Impersonate

Remember that you are always responsible for ensuring that the information in your account is accurate and up-to-date, even if you have delegated editing rights to someone else.

What can everyone do in KI RIMS?

Everyone can add and edit information about themselves in KI RIMS under Edit my profile, Professional activities, Grants and Publications and it is this information that forms the content on the profile pages on 

What can researchers do in KI RIMS?

Based on which title you have in Primula the system determines whether your account in KI RIMS is given the status Is academic or not. If you have the status Is academic, the system will search for suggestions for you on publications and research grants that may be yours and you are also become searchable in the filter-search function for research information. Other types of reports in the report module in KI RIMS will also be able to filter out only people with the status Is academic

If you suspect that your Is academic status is wrong, contact the support to help you correct it.

Impersonate - managing another person's account in KI RIMS

If you have been delegated access to someone else's account in KI RIMS, log in as yourself and select Impersonate in the top menu.

Impersonate in KI RIMS
Impersonate in KI RIMS

Find, by surname, the person whose account you want to edit and click on Set filters. Then click on the name to gain access to edit the person's KI RIMS account. You can tell that you are on someone else's page because it opens as a tab on your own KI RIMS page.

Authorisations at group level

The roles Statistician and Content manager in KI RIMS are automatically assigned in to the group leader of a group. If someone who is not the head of a group needs one of these roles, it will be possible to apply for this authorisation via IDAC later in spring 2024.


Those who have the Statistician role for a group can generate reports for the people in the group.

Content manager

To be able to edit group information in KI RIMS, you need the Content manager role. The group information from KI RIMS is part of the information displayed on the group's page on The rest of the information is created in Drupal by a web editor.

Johanna Säll