Questions and answers about KI RIMS

This page will evolve from questions received by the support team. You can probably already find many answers in the instructions for the different parts of the system you can work with.


How much information should I enter in KI RIMS / display on

How much information you add to your profile in KI RIMS, and how much of it you choose to display on your public profile page on, depends on your needs. For example, if you are not a researcher, it is sufficient to add a picture and a short description of your role at KI.

For researchers, we recommend adding information in KI RIMS so that your profile page on corresponds to a short CV. Don't forget to add relevant Labels so that you can be found in the filter search on

For those who want, it is possible to use KI RIMS to continuously collect your merits and generate the CV, which can be very useful if you need to fill in KI's Qualifications portfolio at some point in the future. Please use the guide Working with your Qualifications portfolio in KI RIMS to make sure that you put the right amount of information in the right place from the beginning.

You can change the visibility level to Internal for the items you only want to include in the CV but do not want to show on

Can I change incorrect information about me and my research in KI RIMS?

If possible, it is usually best to correct inaccuracies directly in the source system, but, yes, if it is information about your publications, grants and professional qualifications, you can correct it directly in KI RIMS by adding a manual record. On the page Change information from other source systemsin KI RIMS we describe how to do this.

The contact information displayed on your profile page on can usually not be edited in KI RIMS. You can find more information about how contact details and organisational affiliation is handled on the page Manage your profile information in KI RIMS

The Profile page on

Why is there no link to my research group?

Under the heading Part of: on your profile, you will normally see both a link to your department and your research group. If the link to the research group is missing, it may be because you are not a member of the group in IDAC from which KI RIMS retrieves information about groups and group members. It may also be because your research group does not yet have a page on that is created according to the new group page type that contains information from KI RIMS.

How do I add a title under my name on my profile page?

Some titles under your name are displayed automatically, such as associate professor, head of department and your current position at KI.

If you want to add another title, you can mark the corresponding Employment or Leadership/responsibility assignment as a favourite by clicking on the heart icon in KI RIMS.


What is the difference between the bibliometrics system and KI RIMS?

The bibliometrics system generally has higher data quality than KI RIMS and will therefore still to be used for publication analyses and resource allocation. 

KI RIMS, on the other hand, is used to display and reuse research information and it is from KI RIMS that the content of the Publications tab on your profile page on is retrieved. KI RIMS contains more publication types and more sources than the bibliometrics system which only has articles found in Pubmed and Web of Science. KI RIMS also offers the possibility to add publications manually.   

The publications you verify in the bibliometric system are automatically transferred to KI RIMS. Therefore, make it a habit of always verifying in the bibliometric system first and then adding any missing publications to the publication list in KI RIMS. Changes you make in KI RIMS will not be transferred to the bibliometrics system. 

Do I have to verify my articles in the bibliometrics system if I have claimed them in KI RIMS? 

Yes, just as before, you must verify your scientific publications in KI's bibliometric database.

The publications that you verify in the bibliometrics system are automatically added to your claimed publications in KI RIMS the next day. These publications have extra information from the bibliometric system such as your connection to KI institutions, MeSH labels (used in the filter search) and whether the publication is open access.

Why does my article that I have verified in the bibliometrics system not appear in KI RIMS? 

The publications from the bibliometric system are imported to KI RIMS once a day, so articles you have verified in the bibliometric system will appear in KI RIMS the next day at the earliest.

My publication has the wrong publication type in KI RIMS, can I change it?

Yes, you can change the publication type, but it may be good to know that any changes you make to a publication in KI RIMS will be reflected in all publication lists from KI RIMS for all co-authors of the publication.

How to change the publication type is described on the page Publication types in KI RIMS.

You cannot change the publication type in the bibliometrics system and changes you make in KI RIMS will not be transferred to the bibliometrics system. If you want to change the publication type in the bibliometric system, you need to contact Pubmed or Web of Science and ask them to correct the error.

Sara Janzen