Change information from other source systems in KI RIMS
Most of the information in KI RIMS is retrieved from other source systems. Sometimes that information is not correct, or at least not displayed in a way that is suitable in the new context, and then you need to change it. On this page we describe how to change information on publications, grants and professional activities in KI RIMS.
Whenever possible, it is usually best to correct inaccuracies directly in the source system and for example for your contact information this is also the only possible way. However, information about your publications, research grants and professional activities can always be changed directly in KI RIMS. A record for such an object in KI RIMS can be made up of several records with information from different source systems.

You cannot change or delete information from within KI RIMS if it is retrieved from another system. Instead, you must add a manual record to the object record in KI RIMS. On, the information displayed is always from the manual record if there is more than one record on an object.