Visibility levels of your information in KI RIMS

The information about you and your professional activities, publications and research grants in KI RIMS can be seen both by other KI employees logged-in in KI RIMS, in the reports that can be extracted from the system and by the public on Where certain information is visible depends on the privacy level it has.

Principles for visibility in KI RIMS

The benefits of KI RIMS for KI employees are based on making information about our research and ourselves as accessible as possible. Therefore, the starting point is that the information contained in KI RIMS should be

  • as open as possible
  • as closed as the situation requires

which is in line with the FAIR principles.

The default setting in KI RIMS is that all objects (Grants, Publications or Professional activities) and all persons' profiles are always public. The exception are persons who are KI Protected in IDAC so that they do not have a profile page on - their profiles are Internal in KI RIMS.

You can control what is visible on your profile page on by changing the privacy level of your relationship with the object. If you change the privacy level of your relationship to, for example, a publication, it only affects whether it is visible on your profile page on or not. Visibility on other KI authors' profile pages is not affected.

In a few cases, you cannot change the privacy setting yourself due to a decision at KI level to make the information publicly available. This applies for example to your official email address at KI.

There are three levels of visibility in KI RIMS, Public, Internal and Private. You can read more about how they work when you are logged in to KI RIMS.

Remember that you are personally responsible for ensuring that the information about you and your research in KI RIMS and on is correct and up-to-date.

Privacy setting Public 

Information marked as Public can be shared publicly by Karolinska Institutet. In order for information to be displayed on profile pages and group pages or found via various search tools on, both the object itself and the person's relationship to the object must be set to Public.

Privacy setting Internal 

Information that is marked as Internal can be seen by other logged-in users in the system but is not displayed publicly on It may, for example, be warranted to set your relation publications to internal on a corrigendum or a preprint after it has been published in a journal. There may also be professional activities that you want to be able to include in a CV, but that you do not want to display on your profile page on

If you are worried that the amount of information on your profile page is to much, it may be an option to mark items you want to highlight as favorites. These will then appear at the top under their respective tabs on your profile page on

Privacy setting Private 

Please note that the setting Private should not be used in KI RIMS. Information set to Private can basically only be seen by yourself and is therefore not of use. If the information is of such sensitive nature that it cannot be included in various reports about KI's research/researchers, it is better not to enter the information in KI RIMS.

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