Manage your research grants in KI RIMS
Here are instructions on how you can manage your research grants in KI RIMS.
Verify your Dimensions-ID
To avoid having to manually enter all the information about your research grants in KI RIMS, you should have a Dimensions ID linked to your account in KI RIMS to show your grants as Pending under Grants. The reason why the Dimensions ID is so important for research grants is that it is the only source we have linked to KI RIMS that contains information about research grants. Dimensions contains information from SweCris about research grants from several of the major Swedish research funding bodies grant such as the Swedish Research Council, Forte, Formas, Vinnova and the Swedish Heart-Lung Foundation.
In the menu at the top left of the page, click on Automatic Claiming under Settings to see if you already have a Dimensions ID associated with your account. If not, you can either claim a system-generated proposal or add an ID manually. More information on how to do this can be found under the heading Claim researcher ID on the page Get started with KI RIMS.
Claim or reject research grants
Click on Pending in the Grants' box on your homepage and you will be taken to a new page where you can claim or reject your proposed research grants. You can claim or reject several grants at the same time by selecting several different grants.
You can manually add research grants if they are not marked as Pending.
Research grants on
The research grants that you have claimed in KI RIMS will be visible on your profile page on as long as your relationship to them is set to Public, but without information about the amount. If you instead choose to set your relationship to the research grant to Internal, it will not be shown on your profile page on Please note that only Project grants can be displayed on Travel grants are always Internal.
The grants that you have marked as favourites in KI RIMS will appear under the heading Selected grants above your other grants on your profile page on
Remember to enter information about your research grants in both Swedish and English in KI RIMS so that there is information in the right language for both your Swedish and English profile page on
Add Labels to your research grants
In order for information about KI's research grants to be found in the new filter search function on coming in 2024, it is important that you label your grants with subject categories (and that your relation to them is set to public). Open your list of research grants in KI RIMS, click on the title of the research grant you want to add keywords to. At the bottom of that page you have the option to add keywords from MeSH and the Swedish standard for fields of research as well as Techniques, Methods, and Equipment (part of MeSH).
Add relations between research grants and publications
You can add relations between a research grant and the project's publications. They are currently not shown publicly but you can see them when you are in the publication's or research grant's record in KI RIMS. However, it will be possible to produce reports on, for example, which publications that are linked to a specific research grant and to what extent they have been published open access if it turns out that there is a demand for this type of reports.

Open the Grant you want to link publications to. Go to the Relationships' box on the right and click on Create new. Click on Publication and select the publication(s) you want to relate to and click on the Create new- button at the bottom right.
Research grants in the Qualifications portfolio
If you want to include information about your research grants in your Qualifications portfolio, there must be information on whether you received the grant in "international or national competition" and whether you were the principal or co-applicant.
Have you been the primary- or the co-applicant?
If you add a research grant manually, you can tick Primary investigator of (if you have been principal investigator) or Funded by (if you have been co-applicant) directly in the form.
If you want to change your relationship on an existing Grant in KI RIMS, you need to go to open the record and click on Users under Relationships in the right margin. Click on Edit and change the Relationship type to Investigated by (primary) if you have been the primary investigator.
If you have been a co-applicant, you can leave the Relationship type as Funder of.
Is it an external research grant that you have received in international or national competition?
In the form that appears when you add a new Grant or want to make changes to an existing one, enter the correct Funder type and tick Grant obtained in international or national competition if you received it in international/national competition.
To add information to a Grant which come from another source (=not entered by you), you need to click on the plus symbol in the bottom right corner to open the form.