Generate reports about yourself

On this page you will find information on which reports, based on your information in KI RIMS, you can generate and how to do it.

KI RIMS has a report function that makes it possible for individual researchers to generate pre-formatted publication lists and CVs with pre-filled information about themselves from KI RIMS. The report function also offers staff with special permissions, such as group leaders and others, to generate compiled reports at group level

All the reports you have access to in KI RIMS can be found in the Reporting Hub, that you find by clicking on the three bars icon in the left menu.

Generate  a report in the Reporting Hub by clicking Run. Depending on your permissions, you may need to select the person for whom you want to run the report. You may also need to choose whether you want to generate  a report in Word or PDF. In some instances, it is also possible to limit the report to a certain time interval. When you click Run a second time, the report will be downloaded as a file to your computer.

Available individual-level reports in KI RIMS 

Below is a list of the individual-level reports that are currently available in KI RIMS. If you need other types of publication lists or CVs, you can submit your requests to the KI RIMS reporting office via the library's support at

Citation report

This report generates a list of citation information directly from Web of Science, Dimensions, Europe PMC and Altmetrics scores for each of your publications, provided they are indexed in those databases.

The file is in CSV format which means that you may need to import it into Excel to make it readable. One way to open a CSV file is to:

  1. Open a new Excel document or a new sheet in an existing Excel document.
  2. On the Data tab, select Get Data (> From File) > From Text/CSV.
  3. Locate the CSV file with the report you downloaded and click Import.
  4. If everything looks ok in the preview window, click Load. 

Publication list (Vancouver format)

A list of your publications in Vancouver format that you can choose to generate as a Word or PDF document.

Karolinska Institutet Qualifications Portfolio

For the time being, you can only generate the old qualifications portfolio which is only valid until 31 December 2024 (1 August 2025 for those applying for docent) from KI RIMS.

Read more about how you can work with your qualifications portfolio using KI RIMS if you are applying for docent before 1 August 2025.

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