Steering documents

The list below is a compilation of rules, guidelines, policies, strategies, action plans, and instructions. These documents are the steering documents of Karolinska Institutet.

Document typeCategoryTitleDecision dateHandled byDecision
GuidelinesDoctoral/PhD educationGuidelines for KI’s thematic doctoral programmesFakultetskansli utbildningCommittee of doctoral education, KFU
InstructionsWorking environmentInstructions for the handling of chemicals that can form explosive peroxidesSäkerhetsenhetenProperty and Facility Director
InstructionsWorking environmentInstructions for handling liquid nitrogen SäkerhetsenhetenProperty and Facility Director
RulesHR Appointment Procedure for Teachers at Karolinska InstitutetHR-avdelningenKonsistoriet
InstructionsDoctoral/PhD educationInstructions for assessment of KID applications Fakultetskansli utbildningCommittee for Doctoral Education
InstructionsResearchInstructions for radiation safety at KISäkerhetsenhetenProperty and Facility Department
GuidelinesHRInstructions for the Appointment Procedure for teachers at Karolinska InstitutetAkademiska anställningarPresident
InstructionsDoctoral/PhD education, Education at basic level and advanced level, Working environmentTargeted pedagogical accommodationsGVS Gemensamt verksamhetsstödHead of Education Support Office
InstructionsWorking environmentInstructions for emergencies such as major spills and emissions of hazardous chemicalsSäkerhetsenhetenProperty and Facility Director
GuidelinesGeneral questionsThe President's decision-making procedures and delegation rulesStrategiskt ledningsstödPresident