Guidelines for KI’s thematic doctoral programmes
Karolinska Institutet (KI)'s doctoral programmes coordinate quality-assured courses and other learning activities for doctoral students within a defined research area.
- Diary number: 1-52/2025
- Dnr preg. version: 1-552/2024
- Decision date:
- Validity period: Until further notice
- Decision: Committee of doctoral education, KFU
- Document type: Guidelines
- Handled by department/unit: Fakultetskansli utbildning
- Preparation with: Chair of KPK
- Revision with respect to: Possibility for KI’s thematic programmes to allocate funds for additional costs for KI courses in international collaborations after an application procedure (until now, additional funds had to be applied for at the Course and Program Committee). KI’s thematic programmes no longer need to submit their multi-year planning to the coordinator at the Faculty Office of Education.
Summary of the guidelines
The guidelines set out the responsibilities delegated to the programmes by the Committee of Doctoral Education, and the target group is primarily those responsible for the respective programmes.
The guidelines describe how the programmes should be organised, the responsibilities of the different roles, the budget and use of funds, and the principles for establishing and discontinuing doctoral programmes
Guidelines in full
Guidelines for KI’s thematic doctoral programmes (PDF, 290.47 KB)