Steering documents

The list below is a compilation of rules, guidelines, policies, strategies, action plans, and instructions. These documents are the steering documents of Karolinska Institutet.

Document typeCategoryTitleDecision dateHandled byDecision
PolicyGeneral questionsEnvironmental policy for Karolinska InstitutetFakultetskansliet och internationella relationerPresident
InstructionsEducation at basic level and advanced levelSteering document for external review of KI’s doctoral educationKansliet för forskning och forskarutbildningCommittee of Doctoral Education
GuidelinesHRInstructions for the Appointment Procedure for teachers at Karolinska InstitutetHR-avdelningenPresident
StrategyCommunicationStrategy for KI's websitesDigitala kommunikationskanalerRektor
InstructionsResearchInstructions for managing financial conflicts of interest in research projects funded by US federal health agenciesCDOPresident
PolicyCommunicationLanguage policy - a guidance on language useKommunikationsavdelningenPresident
PolicyResearchPolicy for open access to research dataCDOCommittee for Research
PolicyOrganisationCode of Conduct for International Student MobilityFakultetskansliet och internationella relationerCommittee for Higher Education
GuidelinesHRGuidelines on wellness benefitsGVS Gemensamt verksamhetsstöd, HR-avdelningenPresident
InstructionsDoctoral/PhD educationInstructions for administrating the withdrawal and reinstatement of doctoral student resourcesJuridiska avdelningenKommittén för utbildning på forskarnivå