Instructions for assessment of KID applications
The document describes the principles and procedures for the assessment of applications for KID funds, i.e. funds for partial financing of doctoral students.
- Diary number: 2-686/2025
- Decision date:
- Validity period: 2025-02-01
- Decision: Committee for Doctoral Education
- Document type: Instructions
- Handled by department/unit: Fakultetskansli utbildning
- Preparation with: The KID steering group
Summary of the instructions
The target group for the guidelines is the KID steering group.
Those deemed suitable by their institution to be the main supervisor of a doctoral student (approved ‘green light’ decision) are eligible to apply for KID funding. Applications can have up to two co-applicants.
Applications are assessed in two stages: Stage 1 involves the assessment of a short outline application. Those who proceed from there submit a full application. The reviewers are active researchers at KI organised into different review panels.
Those who are granted funding then recruit a doctoral student.
Instructions in full
Anvisningar för bedömning av KID-ansökan (PDF, 120.97 KB)