Instructions for emergencies such as major spills and emissions of hazardous chemicals

For environmentally hazardous activities, instructions for acting in
emergency situations must always be in place. The instructions aim to support how to act in emergencies, such as major spills and releases of environmentally and health-hazardous chemicals, to limit damage to the operation, employees, and environment.
The instruction should be supplemented with local instructions for the lab or building. Note that radioactive spills are handled according to KI's radiation safety guidelines.

  • Diary number: 1-1085/2024
  • Dnr preg. version: 1-665/2022
  • Decision date:
  • Validity period: Until further notice
  • Decision: Property and Facility Director
  • Document type: Instructions
  • Handled by department/unit: Säkerhetsenheten
  • Preparation with: Property and Facilities department/Safety and security unit
  • Revision with respect to: Supplier information

Summary of the instructions

The instructions contain information on how to act in emergencies, such as major spills and releases of environmentally and health-hazardous chemicals, and who to contact. In the event of major spills or releases of chemicals into the sewer system, it is important to immediately contact the treatment plant and the municipality.

Note that institutions located in hospitals should apply the corresponding rules/instructions of the hospitals. However, a chemist from Stena Recycling AB is also available for these institutions.