Instructions for Use of Anesthetic Gases

The purpose of this instruction is primarily to clarify that the Swedish Work Environment Authority's regulations apply to all activities where anesthetic gases are used and, secondly, to prevent the risks associated with the use of anesthetic gas.

Specific handling and protection regulations with more detailed information should be available at each respective activity.

  • Diary number: 1-1111/2021
  • Decision date:
  • Validity period: Until further notice
  • Decision: Property and Facility Director
  • Document type: Instructions
  • Handled by department/unit: Säkerhetsenheten
  • Preparation with: Affected activities, KI's collaboration committee (Samverkansråd)
    and KI’s occupational health care (Avonova)

Summary of the instructions

The instructions clarify the manager's responsibility when working with anesthetic gases and contain clear instructions on how to work with the different systems that contain anesthetic gas. They also include a checklist for working with anesthetic gas, developed in collaboration with KI's occupational health services.

Instructions in full