Instructions for handling liquid nitrogen

The purpose of this instruction is to clarify that handling liquid nitrogen involves risks of accidents and health hazards, and to prevent the risks associated with handling it.

To minimize the risk of injury, the relevant activity must conduct a risk assessment and issue written handling and protection instructions tailored to the specific activity.

  • Diary number: 1-1044/2024
  • Dnr preg. version: 1-194/2022
  • Decision date:
  • Validity period: Until further notice
  • Decision: Property and Facility Director
  • Document type: Instructions
  • Handled by department/unit: Säkerhetsenheten
  • Preparation with: Property and Facility Department, Security Unit
  • Revision with respect to: New structure of the Swedish Work Environment Authority's regulations.

Summary of the instructions

The instructions contain information about the risks that may arise when handling liquid nitrogen, how these risks can be avoided, and how to act in emergency situations.

Instructions in full