Safety and security
Safety and security issues are increasing in importance. KI is a major international workplace with many people in motion daily, which imposes an active safety work in where man, technology and organization go hand in hand. We offer employees, students, visitors and partners a safe environment while operating.
Defibrillators at Karolinska Institutet
CPR with defibrillation can save lives with sudden cardiac arrest. Several defibrillaors are placed all over campus.
If something happens
In case of emergency, call SOS Alarm: 112, In other matters KI Alarm: 08-524 80 100
Threats and violence
Threatening and violent behaviour is a serious working environment problem for our staff and students. KI will not tolerate any such behaviour in the workplace.
If you or a colleague is affected, contact your immediate supervisor, the Health and Safety Officer or the Chief Security Officer.
Reporting incidents
Help us make Karolinska Institutet a safer, more secure and more sustainable workplace.