Access cards/KI Card

The access card is a value document, the holder of an access card is required to keep it in such a way as prevents its unauthorised use. It is also forbidden to copy the card or lend it to a third party.

To obtain an access card, employees or affiliates must present a signed verification form by the responsible boss/responsible for the institution, when the access card is made. 

Misplaced cards must be reported immediately to the issuer. The holder is required to return his/her card to the issuer for deregistration at the end of his/her employment.

The routines are different in Solna and Flemingsberg.

The routine at Solna for staff/affiliates

Go to the reception in Aula Medica at Nobels väg 6 and bring a signed certificate and a valid ID document. Photo station is to the right of the reception, photographs are taken before you pick up your access card. 

Aula Medica and the reception are open weekdays at 8:00 am - 5:00 pm and the reception is closed for lunch at 12:00 pm -12:45 pm.

The routine at Biomedicum for staff/affiliates

In order to get an access card to Biomedicum, the relevant institution must first add you to its Team list. The access card can be picked up at the reception in Aula Medica. However, access is given via the reception in Biomedicum. Don't forget to bring a valid ID document. 

Biomedicum and the reception at Solnavägen 9 are open weekdays at 8:00 am - 3:30 pm. The reception is closed for lunch at 12:00 pm - 12:45 pm.

The routine at Flemingsberg for staff/affiliates

Access cards are issued at Alfred Nobels allé 23, 2:d floor elevator C. Contact person: Torgny Norén. Don't forget to bring a valid ID card.

Pic-up time: weekdays Monday to friday after appointment. Contact person Torgny Norén.

Lost access card/KI card for staff/affiliates

If an access card/KI card is lost, a new signed certificate must be submitted in order to retrieve a new card. Go to the same card issuing point where the photograph was taken. Don't forget to bring a valid ID document. 

Report lost cards to


In case of error:
Report an error to (the fault report applies to the machine fault or problems with access to premises)


More information for logged in staff

There is more information for those of you working in the following groups

  • All KI staff
  • C3.Department of Physiology and Pharmacology
  • C5.Lendahl
  • C7.Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics
  • H1.Andressoo
  • H1.Klinisk geriatrik
  • H5.Department of Laboratory Medicine
  • H5.Månsson
  • H7.Betsholtz
  • H7.Björkegren
  • H7.Department of Medicine, Huddinge
  • H7.Hematologi
  • H7.Rydén&Mejhert
  • H9.Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology
  • H9.Med njursjukdomar
  • K2.Kardiov m
  • K8.Department of Clinical Neuroscience
  • K9.Department of Global Public Health
  • OF.Department of Dental Medicine
  • UF.Arkiv & Registratur
  • UF.IT-Avdelningen
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