Strategy for KI's websites
The purpose of the strategy is to clarify the direction of KI's websites and guide decisions regarding content prioritisation, resource allocation and development.
- Diary number: 1-540/2024
- Decision date:
- Validity period: Tillsvidare
- Decision: Rektor
- Document type: Strategy
- Handled by department/unit: Digitala kommunikationskanaler
- Preparation with: IT Department, Heads of the Communications and Public Relations Office and the Education Communication, Guidance and Alumni Relations (UVA), University Library, Web Management, Object owners, Legal Department.
Summary of the strategy
KI's websites should be perceived as cohesive, useful and user-friendly by the target groups. They should strengthen KI's brand and contain relevant content. The strategy is based on five principles, which emphasise:
- the importance of KI knowing and understanding its target groups to optimise website content
- the significance of maintaining high quality content
- the need for content to be accessible and compliant with current legislation
- the measurement and follow-up of content based on goals and target groups.
The full strategy, in Swedish
Strategi för KI:s webbplatser (PDF, 118.31 KB)