Profile page
All staff members at KI, employees as well as affiliates, have their own profile page on the Karolinska Institutet website. The information on your profile page is retrieved from KI RIMS. On this page you will find instructions on how to update your profile page with more information about you.
The profile page is usually the first hit when searching for your name on and often also the first hit when searching via other search engines, for example Google. The page contains contact information for you, these are retrieved from KI RIMS, which retrieves data from IDAC. IDAC in turn retrieves information from Primula and UBW Anknutna.
You can also expand your profile page with more information about your background, what you work on, assignments, publications and more. An updated professional page makes it easier to get in touch with the right person and skills, both for outsiders and for other staff members.
The profile page must contain relevant information for your work at KI and follow the regulations for KI's websites and the instructions for these.
Instructions and support
Updates are often retrieved automatically retrieves information from KI RIMS when it is changed there. Due to cache-times between all the systems involved, it can take up to an hour before your changes are visible on

The profile page is available in both Swedish and English. If there is no Swedish information entered in KI RIMS, the English information is retrieved instead.
This means that some entries will mix Swedish and English information - for example in your CV.
Address of the page (URL)
English address:
Swedish address:
The address is generated from your email address.
If you change your name and thus get a new email address, the URL to your profile page will change, and the old URL will stop working.
Contact information
At the top of the profile page, your name, position, e-mail, telephone number and address are displayed.
Your title is your position or affilitiaion to KI, but also some titles that are automatically retrieved: if you are head of department and/or docent. You can add other titles yourself by marking them as favorites in KI RIMS.

Photo of you
You should add a portrait photo unless you have personal reasons not to do so.
When uploading a photo, make sure that:
- the photo depicts you
- your face is centred in the image
- The photo is square
- you have permission to use the photo
- the size of the photo is a maximum of 6.3 MB and in one of the formats .jpeg, .jpg or .png.
Read more about how to upload a photo on the page Manage your profile information in KI RIMS.
Part of – group affiliation
The department you belong to will always appear under the heading Part of with a link to the department’s website.
Other groups – for example units or research groups – you belong to are added as the new group pages are published on
Social media links
Some links in KI RIMS are shown with an icon in the contact details:
- Google scholar
- Research gate
- Orcid
Right column
The right column is the same in both language versions of the profile page.
Mobile platforms: Please note that the right column is moved to the end of the page, i.e under all other information in mobile platforms.
If you have entered YouTube videos in My profile in KI RIMS, they will appear in the right-hand column, as a video.
If you entered links in My profile: Websites, they appear here.
The labels you have choosed in KI RIMS are shown on your public profile page as keywords. These are important for search engines.
Tabs with information
The profile page is divided into a number of tabs. The tabs are only displayed if there is information to display in them.
About me
Here, information is retrieved from "My profile" in KI RIMS - from the fields Overview, Research interests and Teaching. This is text that you enter in KI RIMS yourself or that was imported from your old profile page.
Note! These fields are retrieved for each language and are displayed separately in Swedish and English.
Manage your profile information in KI RIMS.
All your publications are retrieved from KI RIMS and displayed here in chronological order. If you have marked one or more publications as Favourite, they appear at the top with the heading "Selected publications".
Below these come articles and journal articles and finally all other publications.
This tab shows Professional activities in KI RIMS with the following headings:
- Employments
- Degrees and education
- Leadership/responsibility assignment
- Visiting research fellowships
- Distinction and awards
- Supervisor
- Committee work
- Editorial work
- Journal reviewing
- Other expert assignments
- Thesis evaluation
- Conference/event participation
Note! The tab only appears if there is more than one record set to Public in Professional activities!
Manage your professional activities
The research grants that you have claimed in KI RIMS are shown on this tab. On we only show:
- Title with link to the funder's description if available
- Funder's name
- Start and end date of the grant
Grants that you have marked as favorites end up at the top with the heading Selected grants.
Public outreach and news
If there are news and calendar entries linked to you on, they are displayed under this tab.
The tab also displays information from some publication types in KI RIMS:
- Presentations (slides)
- Media (audio-visual)
- Newspaper articles
Public posts only
On, only the information that you have chosen to display as Public in KI RIMS is displayed.
I don't have a profile page - why?
If you have just started at KI, you will have an account in KI RIMS the day after your KI account is created.
After that, information is forwarded to
If it's been many days since you started and you still don't have a profile page, it could be due to privacy settings in IDAC - check with your IDAC administrator.
What happens if I leave KI?
When your employment or affiliation has ended, your profile page on also disappears.
More information for logged in staff
There is more information for those of you working in the following groups
- K1.Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery
- K9.Department of Global Public Health