IT and telephony
Here you will find general information about all the services that the IT Office offers within IT and telephony, as well as contact details for support and queries. You can also read more about the units and assignments of the IT Office, and find the latest operating info messages and news.
For your daily work

Information about accounts, e-mail via the web, e-mail on your mobile.

Accounts and passwords
Information about your KI-ID and how to change your password etc.

Two-step verification/MFA
Two-step verification, means logging in using two steps: your e-mail and password, and a code or authorization via an app on your phone.

Electronic signatures
With EduSign you can easily sign documents digitally and identify yourself with your KI-ID. If you need to sign documents with external parties, the Scrive service is now available.

Order computers and accessories
Information about how to order computers and other hardware.

Order software
Information on how to order software licences and terms of use for specific software.

Information about telephone referment, prices etc.

Store and share files
Information about KI's services for storage and sharing information.

Tools for working off campus
Information about VPN, e-meetings and conference calls.

Print, scan and copy
KI's print out service EduPrint.

Wireless networks at KI
Information about Eduroam, the guest network and other wireless options.

Book meeting rooms
Book internal meeting rooms in Outlook.
Order IT and telephony services

More about services from the IT Office
ITA can support you with different types of services and technical solutions - everything from printing services and telephony, to computers and advanced solutions for cutting-edge research.

IT at KI - an introduction
Are you new as an employee, or do you feel that you need an overview of how IT at KI works? This page describes how the IT Office supports you in your work and how to find your way around.