Information on how to order a new phone, report errors on your phone or subscription and information about subscription types and other telephony services available at KI.
Menu for this area

Your phone
Support for your physical phone - how to report a lost or stolen phone and get help with other issues.

Your subscription
What kind of subscriptions are available and what's included in the price? Here you'll find a list of available subscription types and a current price list.

Refer your phone
When you are on vacation or in a meeting and can't answer your phone, you can refer your phone number. Here you will also find information about your voice mail.

Switchboard and operator
Information on how the switchboard system and telephone operators work to transfer incoming calls.
Support & ordering
Stolen or lost phone?
Outside office hours you can directly contact Telia in order to freeze your subscription. During office hours, follow the routines on this page.
Report errors
If you want to report an error of your phone or subscription, contact the telephony administrator at your department.
Order telephony equipment
You can order phones and other telephony equipment directly in the ordering portal Wisum. Guides for how to place an order can be found on the system's start page.
All telephony services
There is a large number of additional telephony services available to order, such as an SMS service, contact centre solutions, fax, and more.