Purchase and public procurement
Here is information about procurement in general and also information for you who are, or want to become a supplier to Karolinska Institute. You can also find information about current contract agreements. Since KI is a state authority, it is obliged to comply with the Public Procurement Act (LOU) and have developed routines for purchasing and procurement.
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News about purchase and procurement
Direct procurement
When the value of a purchase is estimated to be below the threshold for direct procurement (700,000 SEK), the purchase falls within the scope of direct procurement. The checklist provides guidance for the implementation of direct procurement and includes templates that can be used for more extensive purchases. The direct procurement process, in brief, involves Karolinska Institutet competitively tendering the purchase to up to three suppliers.

Environment and sustainability
KI must take the sustainability perspective into account in all procurement

FAQ purchase and public procurement
Common questions about public purchase and procurement.