FAQ for Procurement and Contracting

Here, we have compiled answers to common questions about public procurement so that you can easily find the information you are looking for.

How do I conduct a direct procurement? 

KI has established a direct procurement process in accordance with legal requirements (LOU). Information about direct procurement is available on our intranet. To initiate a direct procurement, email inkopupphandling@ki.se and describe in a Request for Procurement Support (BOU) what product/service you plan to purchase and the estimated cost.

The Procurement and Contracting Unit does not take responsibility for or sign contracts that are not executed in accordance with the direct procurement process.

What is an unauthorized direct procurement?

 All purchases made in violation of LOU are considered unauthorized direct procurements. Examples include:

  • Direct procurement exceeding the direct procurement threshold (SEK 700,000) without LOU support.
  • Division of purchases over time that, in total, exceeds the threshold (to avoid procurement).
  • Purchases from another supplier despite an existing framework agreement.

Can I divide a purchase into several parts to avoid procurement? 

LOU stipulates that a procurement, for example, cannot be divided with the intention of circumventing legislation. When calculating the contract value, the law prescribes considering the total amount for the entire contract, including options, extensions, premiums, etc. (excluding VAT). Additionally, regularly recurring similar contracts (the same type of goods or services) for the entire KI should be combined over a 12-month period when calculating the contract value.

I want to buy a service or product from a company that is much cheaper than KI's framework agreement. Can I do that? 

No, it is not possible because there is already a framework agreement in place. KI is legally bound to procure from the supplier in the awarded contract. Purchasing from another supplier without procurement constitutes an unauthorized direct procurement.

Can I purchase everything a contracted company offers? 

Framework agreements are specifically negotiated for certain goods and services. A framework agreement does not cover everything a company sells. Therefore, it is important to review the framework agreements to determine which products or services are included.

How can I, as an employee in the department, suggest companies we frequently use but are not part of any procurement?

 Contact the Procurement and Contracting Unit at inkopupphandling@ki.se. The unit welcomes tips and suggestions so that they can inform these companies about upcoming advertisements. Please send these suggestions to inkopupphandling@ki.se.

Where can I find more information on how to include environmental requirements in a procurement? 

During procurement, contact KI's environmental coordinator at miljo@ki.se.

Read more about sustainability requirements from the Swedish Public Procurement Authority here.

What do I do if the conference facility I want is not part of the framework agreement? 

KI must always use contracted alternatives. Information about available alternatives is found on the page listing the existing framework agreements. There are also framework agreements on avropa.se, which is the state's procurement site that KI is bound by. All companies contracted with the state are listed there.

Who is the contact person for a contract? Who manages the contract? 

The Procurement and Contracting Unit (IU) concludes a procurement when the contract is signed. After signing the contract, IU provides support for contractual legal matters, such as contract interpretation. The administration of the contract itself, including price adjustments, contact persons, etc., is handled by the purchaser, as they own and have a budget for the contract.

Our department wants a supplier exhibition; how do we proceed?

Supplier exhibitions are an administrative matter and fall under the responsibility and interest of the purchaser. IU does not handle supplier exhibitions. For purchasers who want a supplier exhibition, you can contact KI reception at reception@ki.se.

For more in-depth questions and answers regarding procurement, visit the Swedish Public Procurement Authority's website.

Here you can find questions and answers from the Swedish Public Procurement Authority.

More information for logged in staff

There is more information for those of you working in the following groups

  • OF.Department of Dental Medicine
  • OV.University Dental Clinic
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