News for Purchase & Procurement

Newsletter May 2024

Future needs for signs

KI currently has a framework agreement for signs 2-5949/2019 which expires on 2024-06-10. KI has the option to make a call-off from the current framework agreement for the period 2024-06-11 - 2024-12-10, provided we have specified our exact requirements during this period before the framework agreement expires.

If you know you will need signs in the coming months, please contact Sanna Martini by 30/5 at the latest.

KI plans to have a new framework agreement in place later this autumn.

New framework agreement for Pipette calibration services 2-399/2024

We are happy to announce we will have a new Framework agreement for Pipette Calibration Services. The new agreement starts from the 2 of June 2024 and will be valid for two (2) years, with the possibility to extend another two (2) years to make it a total of four (4) years.

Buyers must contact suppliers in the below ranking order for services regarding pipette calibration:

  1. Nordic Biolabs,
  2. VWR,
  3. Element Metech,
  4. Mettler Toledo,
  5. RAMC,

In the event that a needed service is not offered by a certain supplier, buyers must contact the next supplier in the ranking order.

For further details on how to place orders and what category services are available through which supplier please see Maps of services.

New framework agreement for Scale services 2-399/2024

We are happy to announce that KI now have a framework agreement for Scale Services. This new agreement is valid from 2 of June 2024 and runs for two (2) years initially.

Buyers with needs for scale services need to from now on contact Mettler Toledo which is the sole provider of scale services for KI. To make orders for services please email

Information about a defect in a kit from Merck KGaA

A component (Fast Red Violet Solution – Part No 90239) of the Alkaline Phosphatase Detection Kit, Catalogue SCR004, was found to be yellow instead of colourless solution. A colour change to yellow is an indication that the reagent reaction is expended. Merck’s investigation determined that the root cause is isolated to the batches bellow.

Item No.: SCR004 
Item Description: Alkaline Phosphatase Detection Kit
Lot/Batch: 4045983, 4075043 and 4082429

Framework agreements Gene sequencing service - NGS (dnr 2-1424/2020

The above mentioned agreements cover NGS gene sequencing and related services. The agreement term expires 2024-07-28 and a procurement is in progress, with the aim to conclude new agreements for these services. 

Since new agreements will not be in place until after summer, we recommend that you make sure to order these services before 2024-07-28. After that, NGS sequencing services can according to the purchasers, be ordered from the national (e.g., NGI, etc) and institutional (e.g., BEA, etc) infrastructure until new agreements are in place.


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