Written digital examinations via distance
Here you will find information regarding what applies for written digital examinations via distance in Inspera.
Using Inspera for examinations
The following process should be used if you wish to conduct a digital examination with Inspera:
- You must ensure that you and other colleagues involved in the examination have the training in Inspera: Online training "Nätbaserad grundutbildning i Inspera" (course avalaible in Swedish, use the form to contact us for more information).
- Booking of an examination occurs via the booking form (form in Swedish). After registration, you must wait for a confirmation that your examination has been booked. In the confirmation, you will receive additional information regarding the necessary preparations, your contact person for support, what you need to inform the students about, and more.
- You construct the examination questions yourself in the platform.
- At least three working days before the examination, please notify the contact person at the Unit for Teaching and Learning (UoL) to whom you have been assigned in the confirmation.
- During the actual examination, some support regarding IT issues and login will be available via a Zoom room that you will be assigned. However, you or one of your colleagues participating in the examination occasion (via the Zoom Room) is expected to provide support on issues related to Inspera itself.
Considerations during digital examinations
Student Identification
In Inspera, the student is identified by individual login code that is created and sent to the student.
If another format is used for the distance examination, identification is done by the student showing a valid ID to the teacher via web cam. This must be performed in an individual digital room (e.g. breakout room in Zoom).
Monitoring during examinations
Monitoring of students during an examination is achieved as activities are recorded in the system. Monitoring by webcam or similar should not be used with respect to GDPR.

In the case of written digital examinations via distance, the circumstances are such that it should be assumed that students have access to all sources and aids (such as course literature, other literature, notes, websites, calculators).
It should be taken into account at this stage that complete certainty cannot be achieved regarding who is actually answering the questions or that there is no unauthorized cooperation and communication. The document "Written digital examinations via distance" (below) proposes measures that are deemed to prevent, as much as possible, attempts at fraud.
If the examination cannot be carried out remotely
If the examiner considers that it is not possible to adapt the examination for remote completion at the original examination occasion, this opportunity may be cancelled and the students will be referred to a new examination occasion as soon as possible; for example, a re-examination occasion.
Anonymous examination
According to KI's regulations for examinations (valid starting from August 31, 2020), written examinations shall be coded and remain anonymous during the grading so that the examining teacher/examiner does not know who the student is. Assignment in Inspera have the possibility for anonymization.
Plagiarism review
According to KI's rules, take-home examinations must be checked to detect plagiarism using text recognition tools. This should be done as often as possible for distance-based examination forms designed to assess theoretical knowledge.
Assignment in Inspera enables plagiarism review through Urkund. Plagiarism review can be done separately by sending the exam responses to Urkund via e-mail through the teacher's Urkund account.
Along with information provided with an examination, students should be informed that they should formulate the answers independently and that plagiarism is not allowed. They should be reminded of the importance of correct references when the use of source material and aids is permitted.
Individual work
Normally, cooperation and communication with other students or other persons are not allowed during digital examinations via distance. This should be stated in the information provided with the examination.
The examiner may allow certain forms of cooperation or communication during the examination if it is pedagogically justified. This should be stated in the information provided with the examination.
Use of sources and aids
In the case of digital examinations via distance, it is normally not effective to prohibit students from using different sources and aids (such as course literature, other literature, notes, websites, calculators).
The information provided at the time of examination should be stated in the information provided with the examination that the use of sources and aids is permitted.
Time aspects
The time at which a student will be granted access to the examination and the time when the student must submit the answers should be determined and disclosed in the information provided with the examination. The time to answer each individual question may also be limited. Assignment in Inspera have different options to limit the time for the examination and for individual questions.
Inspera offer the possibility to provide extended writing time (for the entire exam) for students who have been granted the option.
When the time for answering individual questions is limited, and when the time interval for the examination is determined, the conditions for students with disabilities and students who do not have the language of the examination as their mother tongue should be taken into account when possible.
Started examinations
The student is considered to have started an examination when he/she has logged into the system or opened the first question.
If the student concludes the examination without answering the questions and for no obvious reason, the student will receive a failing grade and will have utilized an examination occasion.
Information for students
Before the examination begins, students shall be informed about the rules for the examination. Information for students for written digital examination via distance.
If you need guidance and support regarding the systems and digital examinations: contact us about digital examinations (form in Swedish).