Distance teaching and learning
Here you find a curated collection of tools and resources which can be used for distance teaching and learning, and tips on how to get started.
Publish and distribute your course material
Get started with Canvas with the basic publishing course which can be taken any place and at any time. Online Canvas Publishing Course
Canvas functionality
Canvas offers teachers a range of features to help in designing teaching and learning activities for all teaching modalities. On Canvas functionality you find an overview of the most widely used features with recommendations on how you can use and adapt these for your course.
Record your presentation
Getting started with Screencasting doesn't need to be difficult. If you need to create resources for the Flipped Classroom, you can do it on your own computer. Screencasting.
Record your presentation within Canvas via Kaltura Capture: Instructions for Kalture Capture.
Real-time teaching via Zoom
As a KI staff member you can use Zoom for seminars and teach up to 300 people using Zoom.
Teams is the recommended tool for collaboration between staff at KI. More about Microsoft Teams.
Setting up your home studio
This page will give you some simple but effective tips to optimize your home studio for meetings and presentations.
Digital tools
Digital notice-board with Padlet

With Padlet you can invite collaborators to add content, comment, like and make edits in real-time. Add photos, documents, web links and video. You can use it in all browsers. Padlet.
Mentimeter is an easy-to-use tool for online voting and interactive, engaging sessions. Mentimeter.
Workshops & webinars
Calendar with seminars in the field of pedagogy, teaching and learning.