Summative assessment course

The purpose of the course is to increase your awareness of how to design summative assessments to measure your students’ learning. The course also aims to stimulate a reflective approach about constructive allignment of your assessment with your "intended learning outcomes" and "teaching-learning activities".

The course will include different types of written assessments, performance and workplace assessments, digital assessments, standard-setting methods, and validity and reliability.

Intended learning outcomes

After the course, the participant should be able to:

  • Describe how to align assessment with the intended learning outcomes of the course and learning activities more constructively
  • Select appropriate assessment methods for different contexts and learning outcomes
  • Describe different types of assessments for measuring the learning outcomes of the learners
  • Make judgements about reaching to the intended learning outcomes based on test scores
  • Evaluate exams in terms of reliability and validity

Forms of teaching and learning

During the course, the participants should take the responsibility of learning and bring some examples about their previous exams to work on them as examples. You are allowed to work with and further develop your own/authentic assessments.

Scope and conditions

This course corresponds to two weeks of university studies (80 hours) and is based on five joint course meetings. During the course, you need to dedicate some time to reading literature, doing some assignments, and participating in group discussions. Attendance on scheduled days is mandatory.

The course is free for employees at Karolinska Institutet and county council employees who teach/supervise Karolinska Institutets' students. The participant should buy the course literature (if it is unavailable through the KI library).

Target group and eligibility

The course is aimed at those responsible for or involved in designing assessments. You need to have basic training in teaching and learning in higher education (5 weeks), corresponding to GHP, GHPD or HPK, for example.


All lectures/presentations are given in English. Discussions and seminars take place in small groups in English.

Course date

The course opens in Canvas on September 29, 2025. Instructions on preparatory assignments and reading for the first course meeting are available on Canvas at the beginning of the course.

Course meetings (9 am - 4 pm):

  • October 7
  • October 17
  • November 5
  • November 14
  • November 27


Examination of the intended learning outcomes of the course takes place by the participant:

  • Developing a summative assessment of a student or group of students and presenting this in writing.
  • Carry out peer assessment on a couple of other participants' examination assignments.

To pass the course, the following is required:

  • Active participation in all parts of the course
  • Approved examination assignment showing that the intended learning outcomes have been achieved

Instructions and assessment criteria for the examination assignment are provided at the start of the course.


The course is considered a merit and is approved when applying for a docent or employment as a university lecturer / senior lecturer at KI. However, the course does not give higher education credits but corresponds to two weeks of higher education studies, which is documented in a course certificate.

After completing the studies, an approved participant receives a course certificate. 


The registration will be open till April 18th, 2025.

The minimum number of course participants should be ten people to run the course. The course is free of charge for employees at Karolinska Institutet and regional employees who teach/supervise Karolinska Institutet's students. The course can also be applied for by employees at KTH and SU (Stockholm Trio) subject to availability.

Profile image

Arash Hadadgar

Course director

Course syllabus

Content reviewer: