Research infrastructure strategy

Karolinska Institutet's vision – to drive the development of knowledge about life and work for a better health for all – requires an increasing use of cutting-edge technology and state of the art research infrastructure. The Research Committee has therefore adopted a strategy for activities related to core facilities and research infrastructure up to 2024 that is in line with the University's overall strategy, Strategy 2030.

The research infrastructure strategy has been developed within the Infrastructure Council and in dialogue with the Research Committee. It aims to ensure research infrastructures of highest quality and relevance for KI's researchers and to create the best possible conditions for operation of research infrastructures.

Needs for the coming years

A well-functioning and shared research infrastructure is necessary for modern research and is also central to the collaboration with healthcare and industry needed to develop the Life Science sector and to ensure a highly educated workforce. Continued close collaboration with Region Stockholm also in terms of research infrastructure is a priority. Technological developments in research infrastructure are very rapid, why this strategy has its target year 2024. The strategy (Dnr 1-305/2021) focuses on areas for specific efforts in the coming years.

The researcher in focus

Strategy 2030 highlights the importance of giving KI's researchers the best conditions to explore the significant investments in research infrastructure made over the last several years. Researchers shall have access to research infrastructure comparable to the best in the world and the research shall benefit from continuity, a long-term perspective and predictability. This is where this strategy takes its starting point.  By systematically supporting collaboration and sustainability in a broad perspective, groundbreaking research is facilitated within KI:s entire operations. The platform is professionalism and activities include coordination, accessibility, and predictability.

The strategy in brief

  • Priority is more efficient use of KI's research infrastructure through improved overview and coordination, locally, regionally and nationally. Proposed is the creation of a “single point of contact” function, where researchers can turn for advice and further referral, but also the further development of iLab, the administrative management system used for core facilities. For better overview. The structure for the presentation of core facilities at will be developed with a clear user perspective.
  • KI's research infrastructures need to constantly develop. The activities should be part of the comprehensive quality system of KI. Through a systematic process of planning, implementing, following up and taking actions, conditions are created for continuous development of activities.
  • KI should develop a process to identify, prioritize and manage new investments in research infrastructure and ensure academic competence that follows technology development, so that new methods can be implemented quickly.
  • KI's overall research infrastructure should be characterized by clarity, transparency and predictability as regards access. This should also apply to, for example, questions about authorship on articles that contain data generated within the research infrastructure.
  • Most research infrastructures are long-term investments where its value has been built up over a long time or where large investments have been made and there is a need for greater predictability and long-term funding commitments. For follow-up, KI should implement the proposals in the report “Governance and control of KI research infrastructure” (Dnr 1-1011/2020). KI should also promote good career opportunities for employees within KI's research infrastructures. It is further important to secure knowledge and competence to ensure future use of advanced technology and equipment associated with research infrastructures.
  • Information technology and eHealth already have a very important role in research and healthcare, and its importance is predicted to increase. KI wants to be at the forefront of this development and therefore needs to offer a coordinated and professional research infrastructure within E-infrastructure. KI needs to take a position on issues such as the development of e-infrastructure, the use of external actors for data storage and collaboration within the national research infrastructures SNIC and SND.


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