Installation Ceremony/Inauguration of Professors

Karolinska Institutet organizes every fall an Installation Ceremony where new professors at KI are presented and academic prizes are awarded.

Installation ceremony on October 12 2023
Installation ceremony on October 12 2023 Photo: Fredrik Persson

Installation Ceremony October 3, 2024

Ceremony from 5:00 pm to approx 7:00 pm. A reception will follow at Aula Medica, KI campus Solna.

The event is only for invited guests, but anyone may follow the live broadcast through the link below



G P Telemann: La Générosité

Martin Thorell & Filip Ejmunds, trumpet 

Jens Dohlin & Mikael Welin, trombone


Welcome speech

Professor Annika Östman Wernerson

President of Karolinska Institutet


Presentation of medal recipients


J McHugh/D Fields: On the sunny side of the street

Isabella Lundgren, song

Carl Bagge, piano

Palle Sollinger, double bass


Presentation of prize recipients



Joanna Holewa Chrona, dance

Yared Tilahun Cederlund, dance


Installation of new professors


Installation speech on behalf of the new professors

Professor Lisa Westerberg


H Arlen/Y Harburg: Somewhere over the rainbow

Isabella Lundgren, song

Carl Bagge, piano

Palle Sollinger, double bass


Exit procession

J Agnas: Pappas låt

Fanfares: Martin Thorell & Filip Ejmunds


In June/July an invitation will be sent to:

  • New professors that have been appointed until July 1st, 2024
  • New adjunct professors as well as new visiting professors 
  • Prize winners

Information to new professors


Each Professor can invite up to 4 guests.

Dress code for new professors who will attend the ceremony

New professors will be wearing doctoral hat and KI gown during the whole ceremony. Hats and gowns can be borrowed from KI, Unit for academic ceremonies.

Dress code for guests at the Installation ceremony

Dark suit.


A mandatory rehearsal will take place at Aula Medica the same day of the Installation ceremony.

Information to prize winners


Each prize winner can invite up to 4 guests.

Dress code for you and your guests

Dark suit


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