Education in information security for staff
We can together reduce risks in our information management. In this e-learning, you will take part in short lessons about, among other things, phishing, disinformation and fake messages and how to report incidents.

Basic and current aspects of IT and information security are covered in 18 separate lessons that will be distributed via e-mail during the year, starting in April.
Within KI, we handle large amounts of sensitive information. Therefore, it is important that we think about and consider security aspects in our daily work. Often it can just be a matter of thoughtfulness. The lessons that are sent out are a support for you in just this.
Why we do this:
- The aim is to increase awareness of the importance to consider aspects of IT- and information security in one's own work within KI
- The goal is to increase our awareness of risks and the need for IT- and information security in one's own unit at KI and to reflect on what one need consider in our daily work.
- The target group is everyone within KI.
The short lessons sent out via email take two to five minutes to complete. Perhaps it also inspires discussion at your internal meetings. The lessons can be completed on a computer, mobile or tablet.
The first lesson is sent out during April, and then more are sent at regular intervals. The sender is "Information security function at KI" <>.
If you have any questions or comments about the content of the course, or about IT and information security, please email us.