Birgitta and Carl-Axel Rydbeck’s Research grant for Pediatric Research

Karolinska Institutet hereby invites applications for research grants in pediatrics from the Birgitta and Carl-Axel Rydbeck Donation.


The donation concerns research in pediatrics, with a particular focus on reproduction and fertility.


Eligible to apply are researchers with a doctoral degree, affiliated to Karolinska Institutet.


Grants up to 1 million SEK can be awarded for one year. You can never get more than the requested amount


The application shall be written in English and contain a research plan of maximum 15 000 characters (approximately 4 A4-pages), a popular scientific summary in Swedish (approximately 1 A4-page), ethical considerations and a budget. There is also a possibility to upload illustrations (maximum 4MB).

The following attachments shall be enclosed:

  1. A publication list stating the 10 most relevant publications for this call besides a complete publication list for the previous 5 years and the current year. Only original publications shall be listed.
  2. Anyone who has previously received funds from the foundation must attach a progress report for consideration of the new application.

The application must be submitted digitally. The online form will be available ​through KI Prisma during the application period, January 9 – 23, 2024. The application period opens at 10 am on January 9 and closes 2 pm on January 23.


Decision of grant will be taken by the Committee of Research. All applicants will be notified by e-mail in March.


After the end of the term, you have to login to Prisma and confirm whether you have used the money, or at least have started using the money, or not. If you have not used the money at all during the disposition period, these should be returned to the Foundation.

Reports are submitted in Prisma approximately 12 months after the money has been paid out. You will receive an email notification when it is time to report.


For questions regarding this call please e-mail: