Aii programme overview

The Aii doctoral program’s main goal is to ensure that PhD students within the fields of Allergy, Inflammation and Immunology achieve both broad and frontline area-specific knowledge during their PhD period and a collaborative network.

Purpose and Aims

  • To provide and ensure high quality of educational activities that improve the knowledge and understanding of mechanisms underlying the development of allergic, immunologic and inflammatory diseases.
  • To promote and advance interactions and the exchange of information between basic researchers and clinicians trained in the diagnosis and treatment of these diseases.

In order to achieve these goals, Aii offers theoretical and practical PhD courses, workshops, seminar series and scientific meetings. The doctoral program also provides opportunities for PhD students to take the initiative and organize career events, book clubs, and student conferences. In addition, Aii supports teacher-specific activities, in order to further improve our courses and to ensure best possible value for the students. These teacher-specific activities are performed in collaboration with the Unit of Teaching and Learning.

Examples of Aii-sponsored education:

  • Courses
  • Literature clubs and research forums
  • Workshops and minisymposia
  • Teaching activities
  • Student conferences and events
  • Annual KI Inflammation and Immunology network (KiiM) retreat

How do you as a student sign up for Aii?

All KI PhD students are asked to register at admission to their doctoral studies what doctoral program they want to belong to. However, to receive information about Aii courses and events please sign up for the KI Inflammation and Immunology network (KiiM) email list. Sign up by contacting Caroline Grönwall ( or  Anna Smed Sörensen ( The KiiM email list is also a great way to receive information from and to reach out to other immunology researchers at KI. More information about the KiiM can be found here. Note that you can belong to several doctoral programs, and participate in their courses or events.

Grants for workshops and minisymposia

Aii announces grants available for the organization of workshops and minisymposia in the area of Allergy, immunology and inflammation. Please contact Caroline Grönwall ( for more information about requirements and how you can apply. Costs that may be covered include travel and accommodation for invited speakers, rent of venue, lunches and coffee breaks etc. 

Current Aii-sponsored minisymposia, seminar series and events

Karolinska Immunology Seminar Series (KiSS)

The aim of this seminar series is to create an event with top speakers from all over the world that brings together the immunological community of Karolinska Institutet and Karolinska University Hospital. We aim to cover a diverse spectrum of immunological topics while at the same time inviting outstanding speakers whose work is of general interest for everyone who wants to follow current trends in immunology.

Content reviewer:
Ann Tiiman