Research Support & Services
As a researcher at KI you can get support from several units and at your department. This web page summarises all available support to give your research the foundation for growth and success, from the first idea to the publishing and impact of your results.

Update on US Federally Funded Research
KI is closely monitoring recent Executive Orders and memoranda from the President of the United States of America related to US Federally funded research and their potential impact on research at KI.
Current funding calls
Summary of both internal and external funding opportunities, as well as current funding calls
Upcoming workshops for researchers
Relevant workshops on research documentation, publishing with impact, collaborations, and career.
Specific information & support within 8 thematic areas

Legal issues, Compliance & Ethics
Here you can find information about:
• Research Contracts / Agreements
• Ethics & Compliance
• Personal data in research
• Information protection and security
• Open access: policies and demands
• Laboratory safety
• Gender & Sustainability (SDG) aspects

Research Funding & Economy

Research Data Management
Here you can find information about:
• Why research has to be documented?
• What to think about before you start to create, collect and store research data
• Publish and share research data
• ELN - Electronic research documentation
• DMP - Data Management Plans

Communication & Impact

Infrastructure & Shared resources

Clinical Research

Publishing & Archiving

Film: Research Support at KI
This film summarises what support is available for researchers from their first idea to the final publishing of the results.