Research support: contact and organisation

As a researcher at KI you can get support from several units and at your department.

Research Support at KI departments

Administration at your department can help you with budget development, economic management and reporting. Your department also works together with other units at KI, and can guide you to the relevant expertise when needed.

Research support centrally at KI

Research Support and External Relations Office is responsible for providing research support for:

The Office provides strategic and operational support in research, education, infrastructure, internationalisation, collaboration, and sustainability. It facilitates research financing, corporate alliances, ethics, clinical studies, data management, and compliance with EU and NIH regulations. The office also manages the Research Data Office, oversees the Stockholm Trio office in Brussels, and coordinates award nominations.

Research Data Office (RDO)

The Research Data Office (RDO) gives support on research documentation and data management throughout the research process for all researchers at KI.

Comparative Medicine: animal experimentation in research

Find information about applications, units and training that is required to perform animal experiments at KI.
With your KI ID you can access the KM internal webpages.

University Library (KIB)

The University Library provides support throughout the academic lifecycle, from new student to senior researcher.

KI archive and registry

The Archive and registry unit is a part of Professional Services (PS). The unit supports Karolinska institutets employees to fulfill the requirements handling public documents.

Property and Facilities Office is divided into the following units:

Different support functions for researchers

Support for research contracts

One way of accessing external expertise, financing and resources is to collaborate with companies or other external partners. With such collaborations, funders and collaborators usually require a contract for a research project, which defines respective rights, obligations, timelines and budget.

We work to educate and advise doctoral students and researchers for a future career inside and outside academia. We organize a doctoral course and a financed internship program for doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers. We offer an extensive program of seminars, workshops, lectures and online support. 


Web pages: 

KI Innovations

KI Innovations is both the innovation support system at Karolinska Institutet and an incubator that provides support and guidance so that more research-based ideas, discoveries, and knowledge from can contribute to a healthier future for all.

ELN - Electronic research documentation

KI ELN is an electronic notebook (lab/log-book) that is the platform of choice for electronic research documentation at KI.

Clinicum: organised method support for researchers at KI and Region Stockholm

Clinicum offers free scientific advice and provides methodological support and guidance in the planning and execution of research projects.


The Faculty Board has overall strategic responsibility for the faculty's educational, research and outreach activities.

The main fields of responsibility are:

  • resource allocation
  • quality systems
  • recruitment of teaching and research staff
  • infrastructure
  • internationalisation

The Committee for Research (KF) provides support to the Faculty Board by means of preparation, quality control and implementation regarding research. KF works strategically with research issues by making special investments, as well as organising and being responsible for the activities of its sub-bodies. KF is responsible for KI research networks, governing documents in research and certain issues concerning animal welfare agencies and biosafety.

Film: About research support at KI
