Step 1. Grant Application

Here you can identify available support for different external funding sources, as well as aspects you should take into consideration when applying for a research grant - make sure you meet the criteria before starting.

Who provides support?

Swedish & Nordic funding - web page

  • Contact your department a few weeks before the deadline for budget and strategic advice.
  • Some of the large national funders also require: a signature and letter of support from the Vice-Chancellor; and internal prioritisation by the university management to ensure that only a limited number of applications are selected and submitted to the foundation.
  • Announcement of deadlines: in the Grants Office Newsletter and in e-mails sent to each department.

European funding - web page

  • Always contact Grants Office a few weeks before the deadline for budget and strategic advice.
  • Signatures: contact Grants Office at least 5 working days before the deadline.
  • We offer information seminars and workshops for some of the programmes; these are announced in GO's Newsletter and on Facebook page.

US funding - web page

  • Prime applications: contact Grants Office at least 4 weeks before the application deadline.
  • Sub-award applications: contact Grants Office at least 2 weeks before the application deadline.
  • Applications to other international funders, when you are applying with KI as host institution, may need a signature from the Head of Grants Office.
  • Contact Grants Office 2 weeks before the deadline.

Budget & Economy

Photo: GettyImages.

A budget plan demonstrates the required cost for the proposed project in a given period of time, and is a key element of a research grant application.

Read more about Budget & Economy

Before you apply - checklist

• Each funder has generic and specific application requirements
• Does your research fit the scope of the call?
• Is the agency likely to fund what you want to do?
• What and whom have they funded before?


• Check that KI (and collaborating institutions) and all investigators are eligible to apply for funding
• Identify/complete any pre-submission registration requirements for online submission

• Are ethical permits required for the application?
• For which parts of the project do you already have valid ethical permits, and for which will you need to apply for new ethical permits?
• Make sure to be as detailed as possible when describing how you (will) handle any ethical concerns within the project.
• Do you need to have a GDPR plan?

Read more about Compliance & Ethics

• Be extra careful about intellectual property (IP) rights when a company is the funder or a consortium partner.
• Remember that the “Professors’ privilege” (lärarundantaget) is unique to Sweden.

Contact Grants Office if you have questions.

Many funders in Europe and the US require that you submit a data management plan. This currently applies to the Swedish Research Council, Horizon 2020, European Research Council (ERC) and some US-funded projects.

A data management plan is a document that collects information about data management in a research project.

Major funding agencies around the world promote sustainability & gender aspects to be meaningfully integrated into all stages of the research they fund. 

Integrate sex and gender aspects into your research (proposal)

Sustainable development (SDG aspects) 

For KI researchers affiliated to Stockholm County Council (SLL) or another higher education institution:

• Does the funder have requirements regarding percentage of employment?
• Are you affiliated with, rather than employed at, KI?
• Which organisation will run the project? (e.g. KI or SLL)
• Within which organisation will your project costs arise?
• Make sure you apply with the organisation most appropriate for your project.
• If applying for recruitment grants that require employment as part of the grant conditions, do it in accordance with national regulations and KI’s internal rules.

Signatures & Submission

Photo: GettyImages.


Most applications can be signed by the Head of Department, but others must be signed centrally, e.g. by the Head of Grants Office, KI President or the University Director, according to the delegation rules for KI.

For international funding applications requiring a Grants Office signature, provide an application assurance form signed by the Principal Investigator, Head of Department and Head of Administration.

For applications for one of KI's internal prioritisation processes, provide the application assurance form signed by the Head of Department.

Note that obtaining central signatures can take up to 5 working days.

Submit application

Applicants usually submit their own application.

However, US federal grant applications are submitted by Grants Office.

More information for logged in staff

There is more information for those of you working in the following groups

  • OF.Department of Dental Medicine
Log in with KI-ID