Integrating sex and gender into your research (proposal)
Learn how to do it and why.

Why and how?
Why should I address the sex-and-gender dimension of my research, and how can I go about it?

Funders' perspectives
What do specific funding organisations say about integrating the sex-and-gender dimension in research proposals?

What's new? Publications, webinars, and funding opportunities
Nature Medicine News Feature March 2025: 'Women are twice as likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease as men — but scientists do not know why'
Read this article and many more in our curated list of research and review articles on sex or gender differences in biomedicine!

Get inspired! KI case studies
Find out what KI researchers think about integrating sex as a biological variable in research, and how they have done so in their work.

Get started! Courses and resources
Free online courses, webinars, and tools designed to help you take sex and gender aspects into account in your research.
New: AstraZeneca’s Open Innovation website recently launched a Sex Inclusive Research Framework (SIRF), which guides researchers in designing preclinical research aligned with a sex-inclusive research philosophy. This SIRF tool comprises a decision tree for evaluating preclinical research proposals, resulting in one or more ‘traffic light’ outcome classifications, indicating whether a proposal is appropriate, carries some risk, or is insufficient regarding sex inclusion.