Equal opportunities at KI
KI's work for equal opportunities means that no one should be discriminated against or harassed because of gender, transgender identity or expression, ethnicity, religion or other belief, disability, sexual orientation or age.
For KI it is important to provide an inclusive work and study environment in which all students and co-workers are treated with respect and where the conditions are excellent for working and development.

Film: About equal opportunities at KI

Film: The face of discrimination

Film: How to promote equal opportunities

How we work with Equal Opportunities at KI

Leader or want to recruit:

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Integrating sex and gender into your research proposal

If you have been subjected to abuse or want to report an incident:

KI plans and governing documents:
Select an option
Action plan for the prevention of gender-based violence and sexual harassment at KI 2024–2025 (GEP) Risk assessment and analysis carried out in connection with the action plan for the prevention of gender-based violence and sexual harassment at KI 2024–2025 Gender Equality Plan (GEP), Gender Mainstreaming plan for Karolinska Institutet 2021–2022 Extended to 2023 Action plan for the integration of equal opportunities in KI’s education 2021-2022 Action plan for widening access and participation 2021-2023
Select an option
KI – A study environment on equal terms? Analysis of a pilot survey on students' experience of discrimination and harassment 2023 Report on Gender-Based Violence and Sexual Harassment in the Swedish Higher Education Sector 2022 What is zero tolerance in practice? A study of sexual harassment within academia 2021 Not the chosen one – gender, ethnicity and power in research careers 2014