Steering committee - doctoral programme in metabolism and endocrinology

The MetEndo steering committee is comprised of professors, research scientists, course directors and doctoral students who work together to construct a strong curriculum within the Doctoral Programme in Metabolism and Endocrinology. The steering committee meets bi-annually.

Steering committee

Marie Björnholm, Head of Programme, Dept of Molecular Medicine and Surgery

Jurga Laurencikiene, Programme Coordinator, Dept of Medicine Huddinge

Ulrika Widegren, Programme Coordinator, Dept of Molecular Medicine and Surgery

Niels Krämer, Doctoral Student Representative, Dept of Cell and Molecular Biology

Mikael Rydén, Dept of Medicine Huddinge

Erik Näslund, Dept of Clinical Sciences, Danderyd Hospital

Neda Rajamand Ekberg, Dept of Molecular Medicine and Surgery


Marie Björnholm

Head of Programme
Profile image

Ulrika Widegren

Programme Coordinator
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