Programme overview - Doctoral Programme in Health Care Science

The Doctoral Programme in Health Care Science has the aspiration of generating a creative, stimulating, interactive and excellent environment for doctoral studies that gives room for the individual’s reflections and initiatives. Priority is given to doctoral students at Karolinska Institutet who are wanting knowledge in the area of health care science.

The Programme for doctoral education in Health Care Science (PUF-V) is a departmental-comprehensive programme with NVS as host. The programme was constituted by the Board of Doctoral Education (FUS), which also is the main financier. The programme consists of courses on doctoral level, and also workshops, seminars, academic debates, open lectures and poster exhibitions. 

Each semester there are a number of activities except for the courses. The activities can include seminars, work shops and lectures with interesting speakers. New and creative ideas for courses and other activities are truly supported, so do not hesitate to contact the steering group or the programme coordinator. After each activity, an evaluation form is sent out to all participants. The results are scrutinized and improvements and changes are made for future activities.

The pedagogical keynote of the programme is that within the framework of the programme, there should be room for applying the course curriculum on the students' own projects. This means that the content, assignments, practical exercises and examination of the course have its origin from the participant’s own research project, which in turn offers the possibility to, within the scope of the course, continuously work on the students' theses.

Every two years, the programme co-organizes the conference Advances in health care science with focus on tomorrow's health research. The conference invites only PhD student as participants and has the last year grown to include representatives from all the Nordic countries.

Overall aim

The overall purpose and objective of the programme is primarily to meet the need for high-quality courses with a clear pedagogical strategy and long-term planning for doctoral students in the research area of health care sciences and related areas. Also, to create opportunities for networking, to stimulate increased elements of internationalization and to contribute to interaction between doctoral students, supervisors and other researchers. Within the framework of the programme special funds are set aside for activities initiated by the doctoral students themselves.

The programme consists of a number of doctoral courses at both basic and advanced level, workshops, seminar activities, academic debates and doctoral initiated activities, such as open lectures and poster exhibitions.

The programme strives for a clear organization and management with collaboration with other researchers and universities both nationally and internationally.

Target groups

Target groups for the programme is at first hand doctoral students at the Karolinska Institutet, who pursue research studies in the field of health care. Secondly we welcome postdocs in the field of health care science. Others are also warmly welcome to participate in the organized activities if there is room available for them.

Doctoral students within the research area come from a variety of educational and professional background. Areas represented are not only occupational therapy, nursing and physical therapy but also the sciences of psychology, medicine, economy, logopedic, pedagogic, social science and public health. Hence, most students might not affiliate to health care scientists but will nonetheless benefit from the knowledge provided in the programme.


PUF-V is run by a steering group with representatives from departments and organizations at KI that are strong in health care science research and also PhD students representatives.

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