Clinical Scientist Training Programme (CSTP)

Clinical Scientist Training Programme (CSTP) was a funding programme for doctoral education aiming at students of medicine, dentistry, psychology and speech & language pathology.

No new calls for CSTP-funding

CSTP was an important programme which has contributed for many years to stimulating research interest among KI:s students.

During the review of KI's admission process to doctoral education carried out in connection with the regulatory decision from the Swedish Higher Education Authority (UKÄ), KI has decided to refrain from issuing CSTP funds until further notice (se background below).

It is important for KI to help and support students interested in research. That has not changed. Different alternative initiatives that fulfill the same purpose and/or target the same group as CSTP are being discussed. 

Potential supervisors for doctoral projects are recommended to instead apply for KID funds. Research-interested students, who meet the entry requirements for doctoral education, are advised to apply for available doctoral positions.

Please note that this does not affect those already awarded a CSTP grant.

Background to this decision

An application for CSTP is an application for funding, but it has also at the same time been an application for a doctoral position. Unlike for example KID, where the supervisor apply for funds after which he/she recruit a doctoral student in separate process, CSTP funds are applied for by a prospective doctoral student.

A doctoral position can be conditioned on the basis of previous knowledge or proficiency, but only if these skills are necessary for the performance of the doctoral education project. Being a student in undergraduate education without having passed the degree does not count as having previous knowledge or proficiency.

Another aspect is that according to the Higher Education Ordinance, selection to a doctoral position can only be made among applicants meeting the formal entry requirements. This means that the target group for CSTP, undergraduate students, is smaller than it has earlier been announced. The time period between reaching entry requirements and completing the undergraduate degree is relatively short (medical and psychologist students: after term 8, dental students: after term 9, speech therapists: at the time of completed degree).


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Kia Olsson

Administrative officer
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Robert Harris

Academic vice president for doctoral education
Content reviewer:
Kia Olsson