Doctoral Programme in Biology of Infections and Global Health (BIGH)
The Doctoral Programme in Biology of Infections and Global Health (BIGH) aims to contribute to the training PhD students to provide specific professional knowledge in the research areas of infection biology and global health as well as generic cross-pollinating knowledge.
Activities and seminars
Video from the seminar: Integrated Concept Mapping (CM) A methodology to quantify your qualitative findings - Cloned
Doctoral course Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights. Doctoral course in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights initiated at KI
Together with three other universities, researchers at KI organised a new PhD course in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR). In total 33 PhD students participated in the course, 10 of the participants were PhD students at KI. Elin Larsson, researcher at the Department of Global Public Health, is the initiator of the course.