Pedagogical accommodations for students with disabilities and how it is administered

Some of the students at KI are granted or recommended accommodations because of disability. Here you can find information about the most common forms of support, and how they are administered.

Decisions on support concerning the study situation, except examinations, are made by the coordinator for students with disabilities. Decisions on accommodations related to examinations are made by the examiner, usually following a recommendation given by the coordinator in the student's certificate. (The decision shall be documented and, above all in the event of a refusal, justified.) The examiner could change the form of the examination if there are special reasons, if this is stated in the syllabus, which it should be. Disability can be special reasons. Read more about examination in education at first and second cycle.

Examples of targeted educational support at KI and how it is administered

Adaptation of examination

Extended time for written exam and / or assignment, computer with spelling program and / or speech synthesis. It can also be written exam instead of oral, or vice versa, or the need to write the exam in a small group or individually. Compensation for extra room and / or exam vigilance is granted by UFS if the department choses to administer the exam itself (that is, not using examination service), see Administration of examinations of students with disabilities.

Alternative course material

The student gets an account at Legimus via KIB. It is usually about access to read out literature.

Copying and printing

The student receives a sum of money on their KI card, which can be used in KIB's printer. Administered by KIB.

Extra tuition with supervisor

May apply to report / essay writing or VFU, provided that a supervisor is available. Financial compensation can be paid by UFS by agreement between the department and the coordinator for students with disabilities.

Listening system (transmitter with portable hearing loop)

If hard of hearing. Administered by the coordinator for students with disabilities.

Mentoring support

The student gets contact with a professional mentor via the coordinator for students with disabilities. The support is about creating good conditions for their studies and their health.

Note-taking support 

A fellow student shares his / her notes with the student for a fee from UFS. Administered by the coordinator for students with disabilities.

Providing lecture materials in advance

Teachers post their lecture material as early as possible before the lecture, for instance on Canvas.

Resource room with special equipment at the university library (Solna and Flemingsberg)

Students with disabilities can book a resource room with priority.

Sign language interpreter

If hard of hearing. Administered by the coordinator for students with disabilities and the Interpreter Coordination at Stockholm University. The interpreter contacts the teacher concerned, if necessary, for example for settings or admission to Zoom.

Written interpreter

If of hard of hearing. Administered by the coordinator for students with disabilities and the Interpreter Coordination at Stockholm University. The interpreter contacts the teacher concerned, if necessary, for example for settings or admission to Zoom.

Handling of certificates for targeted educational support

Students with a certificate of special educational support are encouraged when they receive the certificate to submit their certificate to the course as soon as possible if there are decisions or recommendations that the course needs to know about.

Information on how and where the student must submit his certificate must be available on the course website and / or in Canvas. The department responsible for the course can decide to whom the student must submit the certificate, but only those who need it for their work should have access to the information. For example, it is the examiner who makes the decision on adaptation during the examination and therefore the examiner is mainly the person who needs to read the student's certificate.

Information about students' health or disability is sensitive personal data and must be handled with great care and people who access the information need to know this. Cases received must be handled promptly. Decisions must be communicated to the student in writing and as soon as possible after a decision has been made. If this means a negative decision for the student, the decision must be justified and the decision must be registered.

If you want to know more about special educational support or management, you can contact

the coordinator for students with disabilities Viktoria Hansson

the coordinator of education law issues Christian Edling

Viktoria Hansson

Coordinator for students with disabilities